Welcome! Enjoy your stay and the music!

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June 8th will see the Re-Release of my rocksong I Scream, Rebel, Protest & Shout on Spotify and all other streaming portals worldwide.

Since the previous distributor Spinnup has gone Songtradr will do the distribution and publishing through my label CSFdeepinnerMusic now.

Cover art photography David Shankbone.

YESSSSS i am finalist!! in two categories in the ISSA songwriters awards 2024!!

*International female vocalist : ISSA Spotify playlist

*International female rising star !! : ISSA Spotify Playlist

Thanks to you all voting and supporting me!! Will i win an award ?

Please keep your fingers crossed for the judges decision on august the 24th in Atlanta USA………..:D

I am very proud to be nominated for the third time by the ISSA (International songwriters association

in the following 4 categories

  • International Female vocalist of the year 2024
  • Rising Star
  • Songwriter of the year 2024
  • Emerging artist

So please vote for me Marianne Vedder NL (Voting has ended)

I will be eternally grateful to you! 😀

Previous ISSA Finalist in 2023 thanks to all your voting!