“a unique sound , fresh and with good lyrics”
Linda Perry Producer&Songwriter ( Christina Aquilera,Pink and many more & Singer 4 Non Blondes) – Cozmicsoulfire muziek van NL
Outstanding sounds, rhythms and styles unite to make COZMICSOULFIRE a force to be reckoned with.
Definitely breaking musical boundaries with brilliant performances every time.
Check it out, .
Author Mark Storey Music
Creative Popmusic-Style (Love like Thunder)
Unconventional pop song with dancelfloor groove. The arrangement characterizes harmonical melodies inspired by electronical modulated sounds coming at the right time. Marianne Vedder has a dynamic voice and special vocal projection. The lyrics come from the heart and touching the soul. Fast drum & bass beat forcing the song constantly on a higher level. Ambitious recording by using unconventional sounds bringing a hypnotically feel into the music. Overall good digitally mixed and mastered cool sounding track. This song could be soon played in the club-scene.
Reviewed by KAIJY
Germany, Hamburg
Thunderous (Love like Thunder)
A very modern instrumental begin this journey. Moving through a very nice but common chord progression that will carry you through the song. . When i say a common chord progression , this is not a slight, but rather something the listener can catch onto very quickly. And all the while , this extremely soulful voice is building tension throughout. The ebb and flow of her vocal is so captivating, and just makes you feel the thunder.
Reviewed by Vital Spirit, T Harris , Nay’yir ,outinthewoodsrecords
United States, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
I Adore You
“Cozmicsoulfire” is a new sound from The Netherlands …a bit of Instrumental Dance ,Pop and Spoken Word. Got a Rave Dance beat and high energy. A great track to send to your beloved brings people together instead of part with words of life instead of hate. Spiritual too. Back up Vocal * * * Some stellar instrumental and a very inspired composition. I think this would do well in the Club Circuit and in the Rave Genre ,so I hope you will think about it. Lovely voice too, easy to listen to and soulful.
Reviewed by Electric Spice Selkie PRO on N1M
United Kingdom, WALES
“In de schijnwerpers : Cozmicsoulfire – Via onder andere Amerikaanse radiostations wist Cozmicsoulfire miljoenen luisteraars te bereiken.En ook de Nederlanders weten de muziek te waarderen van deze Friese zangeres,want op het moment dat we dit bericht tikken staat ze op nummer 1 in de rockcharts voor NL op reverbnation.com.Het aanbod is gevarieerd van rock/pop ballads tot progressieve death metal songs,niemand minder dan Linda Perry (producer van P!nk,Christina Aquilera en ex 4 non Blondes) omschrijft haar muziek als “a unique sound,fresh and with good lyrics” Ook eens kennismaken? twitter X @cozmicsoulfire of https://cozmicsoulfire.nl”
Kim Meeuwissen – Zij aan Zij Magazine april 2015 Muziek kanjers
“Marianne Vedder a.k.a. Cozmicsoulfire is a outstanding independent artist and I am so proud to be allowed to support her music on The 365 Radio Network. I’m so fortunate to be able to have such a talented artist on our stations, especially one that is so supportive. On a personal note, Marianne is one of those artist that makes this network worth while. She is just a overall wonderful person and I have the highest respect for her as a artist and as a individual. I wish Marianne Vedder a.k.a. Cozmicsoufire great success and feel blessed to have gotten the opportunity to know her. Sincerly, J.L.Hensley Owner 365 Radio Network
365 Radio Network 365radionetwork.com
Jeff Hensley – recommandation on linkedin
“I could sense the emotion in Vedder’s voice, which matched nicely with the emotion being conveyed in the music.
It was like being reminded of what it’s like, to try to be patient for as long as possible with someone, until you finally lose it.
The song’s melodies will keep you at an even keel, then take you on a roller coaster of emotion, all the way to the end.”
LittleQueen – Music Review: Marianne Vedder & Cozmicsoulfire, A Unique Singer/Songwriter Experience
“Ahead of its time. The music is for sure ahead of its time. The music of tomorrow . It has a futuristic rock radio feel.
We commend this music. It’s fresh and innovative. Rock has been considered dead amongst the population,
it’s music like this that keeps that torch burning bright .
Reviewed by The Shots , United States, South Carolina, sumter”
” They don’t care about you”
“Phenomenon… I love phenomenal things, things that remind you of nothing. Usually you can easily tell who this or that artist is really after in his or her creative endeavor. Regarding Cozmicsoulfire it’s impossible to tell what the initial template truly might have been. Me at least I don’t come to think ‘bout some direct parallels in terms of the second hand manufacture. I of course distaste imitation or something like eine Nachahmung, une sorte pastiche. Instead I praise the first hand music, I enjoy clever lyrics (trust me, this song has gotten very clever lyrics), and BTW don’t you, guys, find it very true – they in fact never care about you or anybody. Do you care ‘bout anybody? I do actually: I adore humans who have talent. Pas des nouveaux riches are about to rule the world, the folks who have talent will. Just believe me… Reviewed by Sarik Combo Germany, Ohrdruf”
Rain,rain,rain pouring down on me (So Gorgeous)
“Very Soul-Sexy I found myself listening to this cut over and over. Very captivating vocals and a gorgeous range that made me soulfully attracted to her voice. The track was well performed and I felt my heart beating with the rhythm section and percussion. So much so I felt like I had to hear more. So I played it again. Certainly her voice is worthy of being more on top of this mix which would only enhance this song and attract any A&R publisher to roll the dice.
Extraordinary and unique. Reviewed by Sonic Spectrum Advanced , Canada, Ontario, Thunder Bay”
“Er doen 60 bands mee om geld in te zamelen vd getroffenen van de brand “Het is een voorzichtig laveren tussen verdriet en opgetogen zijn erkent zangeres Marianne Vedder alias Cozmicsoulfire ,We zijn met zijn allen verdrietig maar voelen ons ook sterk.Zelf twijfelde ze geen moment toen ze de oproep van haar vriend Harrie Nicolai onder ogen kreeg.Meedoen Ja natuurlijk!Ik kom oorspronkelijk uit Twente en daar hebben we Naobershulp;je hoeft maar een balletje op te gooien en iedereen doet mee .Dat is mienskip ook precies hetzelfde.Vedder zong een paar nummers van de nieuwe cd waar ze aan werkt – mooie kans die in grote zaal uit te proberen hoe het klinkt. Ze zong het nummer Als het regent in mijn hart wat ze schreef voor haar vader die 16 jaar geleden door een auto voor het huis werdt geschept en om het leven kwam.Ik heb aan mijn vader gedacht toen ik zong maar ook aan de ouders van Idsart Otte de jongen die omkwam in de brand en aan waarom we hier staan vandaag ,bijzonder dat dat kan””
Kirsten van Santen Leeuwarder Courant – Benefiet058 : Rocken met een snik
Reptile (So Gorgeous)
“Today we will be checking Cozmicsoulfire’s “Reptile” Whoever said that girls can’t rock obviously haven’t checked out Cozmicsoulfire’s music. “Reptile” is a very cool fusion of Rock and Metal, it’s heavy yet melodic and there is a diversity in the music that really helps it stand out on its own. The arrangement of the song is totally unique, at first I thought that the music moving in two different directions was a detraction, but as the song progressed that clash really grew on me to the point that I was loving by the end song. The song is well produced, but the vocals were the standout instrument for me. Powerful, varied and rife with emotion and conviction. Lyrically, you can tell that this track is based off personal experience which in of itself helps the listener really relate to the songs message. I love it when artists use personal experiences to infuse their art with the “human element”, it helps add that extra dimension of feeling and sincerity.”
Christopher Carrion – Reptile ROCKS!
Reptile (So Gorgeous)
“I am always intrigued when songs don’t fit to ONE genre. At the moment this is what I fell with Reptile. Metal guitar riffs and drum beats, combined with pop elements like the drum machine sound, and at times synthesizer backing vocals and even a bit of rap in the bridge. First, I like the 2 guitars in the beginning. Lead vocals a great, just make sure you are achieving consistent levels during the song. In verse 2 the level for the vocals is a bit softer in the mix which I would prefer for the whole song. A real drum and bass would change the flavor more towards rock and metal which may not what you want. You could give the bass track more variations and bring it out in the mix a bit more no matter where you see the song going. Well done for having the courage to integrate different styles and bringing in creativity in your music, you may be up to discovering a new audience.”
Reviewed by Free Fall Rock New Zealand, Hamilton – Crossing the genres
@cozmicsoulfire so CLOSE to writing perfect tunes, GREAT guitars PRODUCTION, voice like Nancy Wilson, M Ethridge, G Slick, lady Robert Plant”
Rooster ?@sevenspringsent – Rooster on Cozmicsoulfire
You&Me (Poison)
“WARNING: Not for the faint-hearted. For those who have had great sex that crosses into spiritual experience (or those who want that,) this is the song. Barry White, step aside; this girl sets the mattress on fire and f***ing rocks! The hard-driving guitars and drums keep pace with the fiery vocals, starting low and sexy, mounting to the chorus. I don’t need a copy of the lyrics for this one; it makes no difference if the impassioned whispers at the bridge are saying, “cum, cum” or “god, god”. Body and Spirit are inseparable. This is passion served straight up. Nothing watered down here.”
Renee Marcel (Sagiscar) – review on You&Me song (Poison)
“Marianne’s music is uniquely beautiful & filled with passion. Listeners can’t help but be moved, uplifted & inspired.”
Catresea Ann Canivan – Endorsing
“I love Marianne’s music! Her vocals are out of this world! I know that she will be the next big thing! She is a music lover’s Dream!”
Stacey warner – endorsement
“The one thing that stands out to me about this artist is the amount of passion that eminates from each cut. These songs are heartfelt by the artist and you can feel it when you listen to them. Take a listen, interesting compilation for sure…”
Johnny Houston – Poison Review
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